21 September Homework

This weekend, please complete the following: SWA #2 is due at 11:59PM tonight. ––Make sure to look at the rubric  50% of synthesis essay is due Tuesday for peer review. Read Octavia Butler's "The Morning Evening Night"  for Thursday

Example Reader Response #1

Stephen King's "The Man in the Black Suit" is an homage to Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown." King's story opens with an elderly man recounting a supernatural meeting he had in the woods of his hometown when he was a child; a meeting that has, according to him, "glow[ed] like a dark star in the …

Homework: 14 September

Over the weekend, please complete the following: Turn in your SWA #1 by 11:59PM tonight, 14 September Read Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery"––ignore the discussion questions at the end. Read & annotate "Why Horror Is Good For You" by Greg Ruth By noon on Friday, email me with your preferred topic for the class. Now that …

12 September Homework

For Thursday, please complete the following: Read Stephen King's "The Man in the Black Suit." Synthesize King's short story with another text we've read in class on our discussion board. Remember, your SWA #1 is due Thursday at 11:59 PM.